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I was saddened to read that Rolf Wiegand, "Crackerbarrel," passed away recently. When I interviewed Rolf for my book, he was extremely helpful and open despite our political differences back in the 60s. Crackerbarrel was the most popular columnist in the 1966-67 News Record.

Some of my favorite lines from the News Record were penned by Rolf. When the UC Student Government took a stand in favor of the Vietnam War and claimed to represent the entire student body, Crackerbarrel wrote, “How can anyone decide and announce what another man thinks?” When they changed the wording of the proposal to reflect the council itself, Rolf called the word-play a “semantical quickie trick.”

Like many of us, he continued journalism pursuits after college.The obituary sums up Rolf well when it states, "Rolf lived a very principled lifetime."

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