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Ready for the Magic Nation Day Camp?

The Magic Nation Day Camp is in session! You don’t need gear, a ride, or a packed lunch. It all begins at Check it out for a great time:

When I told a friend that I was writing the third book in the Magic Nation Tales series, she said, “I know you always write from experience. Aren’t you running out of events to relate?”

“I have a lifetime of material,” I said. “And new things happen every day.”

My stories involve a combination of real experiences and magic. The stories may seem fantastic, but they all contain a spark of reality.

In “Midnight at Perth,” two lost pets return to their owner in Perth, Australia. How in the world did they get to Falls City, Ohio? Nobody knows. But I do know that Guinea pigs and rabbits are excellent escape artists. Our Guinea pig once unlocked his cage (in the middle of the night), and set off our burglar alarm as he romped through the house. Before calling 911, we found him, scared and shaking, in the corner of the dining room behind the drapes!

There’s not much magic in “Tony’s Journal,” unless you consider Tony’s transformation miraculous. You might say, “Most teenagers would never warm up to a ‘No Technology Week.’” I beg to differ. When teaching Walden, my high school juniors bulked at simplicity when it was first discussed. By the end of our study, they agreed that invention is the mother of necessity.

Was it magic that led to Gisela receiving her mother’s rings from East Germany? Nope. That story is absolutely true, only the pen-pal framework is fiction. Gisela was a good friend and teacher colleague of mine. She wore those rings one day. When I commented on their beauty over lunch, the entire story spilled out.

And, yes, you can “go to tomorrow.” You can find it northeast of Cincinnati. If you travel south on I-65, you’ll come across that spaceship at the Alabama welcome center.

My cats do use the remote, open doors, and speak as well as Mr. Charlie. So far, they haven’t been able to text. That will probably happen next week. Let me know if their spelling improves.

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